Club Fleet

SGS 2-33 / N6787S Schweizer SGS2-33 "86"

Schweizer 2-33 Trainer. One of our 2 x SGS 2-33 trainers. Most primary instruction is given in the 2-33's which are both forgiving and durable.

SGS 2-33 Schweizer SGS2-33 "87"

Our second Schweizer 2-33 used for primary instruction.

K-21 Schliecher ASK-21 "4K"

Schleicher K-21 two-seat trainer. Used for rides, advanced, aerobatic and cross country instruction.

SGS 1-26 ('24) Schweizer SGS1-26 "24"

'24 is a Schweizer 1-26 'E Model. This will be the first single seater for most new pilots. After making several solo's in one of our 2-33's students are move into the 1-26.

002 Schweizer SGS1-26 "002"

'002 is the oldest 1-26 still flying. Serial Number 002. Serial number 1 is owned by the National Soaring Museum and on display in Elmira, NY - home of Schweizer aircraft who originally made these aircraft. '002 is primarily the "Juniors" glider. 002 is provided rental free for the user of our junior members.

SGS 1-34 Schweizer SGS 1-34 "38"

'38 is a Schweizer 1-34. With a 33:1 L/D ration it offers greater glider performance than the 1-26's and is a great ship for learning cross country flying. The next step after flying the 1-26 and obtaining your license.

Pawnee Piper Pawnee Towplane

The Pawnee is our primary towplane. Pawnee's were originally built for Crop Dusting and offer great climb and hauling performance. Perfect for towing gliders. The Pawnee is a single seat airplane.

Supercub Piper Supercub Towplane

The Supercub is our second towplane. It has two seats and is also used for checking out new tow-pilots.

In addition to the club gliders there are approx. 20 additional sailplanes owned by club members based on the field.